Thursday, March 19, 2009

mothering the president

"Washington is all in a tizzy over who’s at fault. Some say it’s the Democrats’ fault, the Republicans’ fault. Listen, I’ll take responsibility, I’m the president."
PRESIDENT OBAMA, over executive bonuses at the American International Group.

New York Times online ran this quote this morning. I'm feeling very protective of the president right now. He needs a mother. He needs someone to say, "Take what is yours, but don't take anyone elses." In many years of ministry, I always felt that a life long example of responsible living could help set people on a good path (those who were on rather wobbly paths, that is). But in hindsight, those who do not know how to claim what they are responsible for, will simply allow others to take the responsibility. Example is not always enough. Teaching must have a place in the change.

I think that President Obama is offering a fearless example of stepping up and showing everyone that taking responsibility when things are going awry does not signal weakness or ineptitude. But those who live in fear of losing their power and position need lessons, not just examples. How do we get the dems or the repubs to take their own stuff without the other side doing a "nana nana boo boo" at them?

The other night, I was blamed by my beloved son for being the reason he couldn't possibly get his home work done. It made me mad. And so I told him so. I said, that the reason his homework isn't done is because he played on the internet all day, and waited until 6pm to figure out just what he had to do. All day I had offered gentle reminders about getting homework done. All day he said, "Im a man with a plan." In the end, the plan failed and I was blamed. He was angry that I had the nerve to stand up for myself and not take what was not mine to take. He was still mad later because he just didn't want to see how it was his own fault.

I fear that each time President Obama takes the responsibility for something someone else really did, he only teaches them that they can still get away with it. It is enabling action. Those who wont' come forth and say, "No Mr President, it wasn't you. These are the reasons this failed..." will cower in their corner offices, hoping nobody notices who is truly at fault. taking responsibility for what you've done.

Mr. President, lead without fear, with courage, with openness.....and teach others how to do the same.



Jennifer J B said...

I really liked this Amy....makes a lot of sense in this confusing world.....=) So simple....but yet so few people seem to grasp the concept......thank you for your words. Jennifer Bender Hunneman

Jan Fairchild said...

Thanks for this excellent piece! I am grateful for finding your blog... wonderful gift!