Saturday, November 1, 2008

Voter Fraud

Kurt left this morning for a 5 day trip to his home place in Virginia. 5:00am was a late start for him, and an early start for me. I got up and went to our 24 hour grocery store (Kurt fears I'll force the boys to subsist on poptarts, fruit loops and frozen pizza while he is gone....the "boys" are 14 & 17 mind you) to stock up on fresh fruit and veggies, and other delectable foods that require cooking/baking/something more than microwaving.

Upon return, I settled into the kitchen to make a Hollandaise Sauce for the Eggs Benedict I was making for breakfast (see!), and to put away the groceries. Then, nestled by the computer with soy-chai-latte in hand, I surfed

There was a blog (which I am now blogging about) on voter fraud being a very real obstacle to an Obama win (Obama 08!!). And the early lovely start of my day became sober (really, it was only soy in the chai).

For a number of years, I served as a elector in the polling location in Constantine Michigan. Those were the days of paper ballots. We were highly trained for this truly detail oriented, and incredibly important work. We met all requirements for equal representation of Dems/Reps, we counted things umpteen times, we were very serious. Because it IS serious. A vote is a privilege. It is a treasure to use or not use, as you see fit. Not voting is a vote about voting. It is all part of our democratic republic we belong to. "A profound statement about democracy." Jed Bartlett of West Wing would say (Ok, he said it about going in person to file his candidacy, but I think he would agree with me.). Paper ballots were counted by machine, and at the end of the night, if something didn't add up, we took those paper ballots and counted them until we had 2 Or 3 consistent counts. We had the paper ballot in our hands for verification. Paper Ballots rule.

I voted early this year, with the use of an electronic ballot. It was simple, and at the end I returned to the beginning to make sure that my vote for Obama still had a check. But, once I hit "submit" I have no idea what the machine did with my vote. In North Carolina, the machines do not include the presidential vote if a person votes a straight ticket. In West Virginia, the machines flip an Obama vote into a McCain vote.

I saw this last one on a Homer Simpson cartoon. It shocked me then as a possibility (although Homer is truly funny) but it scared the living daylights out of me when it was reported as fact through early voting taking place in West Virginia.

The world needs to send Election Observers to North Carolina and West Virginia. They need to check the credentials of every person on the street claiming to be a democrat volunteer offering to hand deliver absentee ballots, only to truly be a republican volunteer dumping the ballots (my God, its true in Florida!).

I want to believe that the United States is above all of this. I do.

But we are not.

We are scoundrels who watch Jerry Springer and think this is life.

We are news whores who believe everything.....left or right....that is printed.

We are ignoramouses (did I spell that right?) who think vernacular talkin' pretty girls who have been mayor of a town smaller than Three Rivers Michigan can be the VP. (Tom Lowry was a fine, fine mayor, but Tom....would your experience as Mayor of Three Rivers qualify you to be the VP? Perhaps the running of your fabulous bookstore "Lowry's" might!)

All of this is to say that we need to grow up and accept the fact that we are easily swayed by what we want to be swayed by. Admit that we read the news outlets of our choosing, and choose their biases as well (i.e. Step up and say that no politician will save any of us, bring in the kingdom, or create a decent place for us to live.....we have to do that ourselves. It is a democracy.

Finally, the bottom line. Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor/enemy (ok, I'm mixing scripture texts here) as yourself.

Love God.
Love neighbor.
Love enemy
Love yourself.

I do not rely on any presidential candidate/winner to prescribe my embodied faith. I do not rely on any preacher to tell me how to live my faith. I do not rely solely on the bible as my guide, as the divine continues to illuminate the pens of women and men, poets and prophets....thus affirming the biblical teachings, and unfolding greater poetic understanding. My mind is a gift (limited, a bit...ok) and my heart is beating deeply and steadily. My love that is active, not sentimental, is true as I can make it, and I long for a corner of the kindom to break forth in the world I inhabit.

Thats my vote.
