Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It has taken weeks for me to pull my ideas together to provide a thoughtful post on the new phenom of twitter.

Unlike Twitter.

Twitter rules by the free flow of they sprout from our minds. Fun. Sure.

But very little that just flows from our minds is worth the attention it gets on Twitter. In fact, the immediacy of Twittering makes any attempt at thoughtful posts...well, outdated. By minutes.

I don't want to read what you are thinking if what you are thinking is simply verbal processing. I'll be that sounding board for my friends as they work through issues and struggles. I'll continue to be the driver in the car who talks to herself so that by the time she has arrived at a meeting or conversation the mental sludge has slipped away, leaving the processed thoughts. But for the masses, pull yourselves together before you put it out for all to read. And if you don't have anything worth reading, then twit not.

I want to hear your thoughts. I do. I want to hear the ideas that have taken the time to consider multiple sides, to consider what really needs to be said, that sets aside anger or other driving emotions that do not help public discourse.

Twittering is fun, presumably. Yet the good stuff, the stuff that might actually mean something gets lost in the, "I'm throwing away this used tissue" posts that surround the good stuff.

Twitter away. Meanwhile, I'll be 10 paces behind you: considering, thinking, and making reasoned conclusions. Hopefully.

Best of luck,

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Turner's Video

In an effort to distract myself from things I needed to do.....namely write a sermon and put off thinking about the impending departure of my oldest son....I spent Saturday afternoon putting this together.


And, Turner? You are absolutely ready.

Much love,