Tuesday, June 5, 2007

striving after strivings

I seek to build a family of good people who desire to lift the veil of life's frustration and fear through the experience of poetic living and creative spiritualities. Old Guard and Gatekeepers need not apply.

~Travis Poling's blog Radical Pie

I read this a few weeks ago, and I keep finding myself returning to it. How do we know when we've become the gatekeeper or old guard? I want to know when I've arrived at being one who lifts the veil and lets down the guard. What happens if we just stumble into this new land, new family, and are not aware of it?

After I graduated from seminary and was in the pastorate, I began to recognize the community and education that was granted to me during my masters program. Was I just too in the middle to notice it while it was happening?

How do we know when we are just self satisfied, and when we've actually arrived at a place that we sought to create? Is there anything wrong with staying there for a little while? Taking deep breathes of the clear air, resting our muscles, shifting our gear.............in order to head out in a new way?

I think so. I think it is a beautiful thing to be in a place we thought we could only imagine. I would want that created place for others, too (their created place, not my created place...unless mine is theirs).........not just simply striving after strivings.....with no thought of arriving.


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